Maison Tavel

Maison Tavel

Rue du Puits-Saint-Pierre 6
1204 Genève 022 418 37 00 6, rue du Puits-Saint-Pierre, en Vieille Ville Parking: Saint-Antoine

Open hours

Tuesday - Sunday from 11:00 to 18:00

Entree prices

0 CHFNormal
5 CHFExpositions
  • Parking
  • Public transportation
  • Wheelchairs

Maison Tavel


Gindroz Rémy, Maison Tavel.

Listed as a historic building, located in the heart of the Old City, the Maison Tavel is Geneva’s oldest private residence still standing and represents a unique testimonial to mediaeval civil architecture. Converted to a museum in 1986, its six levels illustrate the urban development of the city and various aspects of the daily life of Geneva’s former inhabitants. It also holds the Relief Magnin, a spectacular, largescale model of how Geneva appeared before its fortifications were demolished in 1850.


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