Kunsthalle Friart Fribourg

Petites-Rames 22
1700 Fribourg 026 323 23 51 Petites-Rames 22, en Vieille-ville de Fribourg (en face de la piscine). Accès aisé avec le funiculaire. À un arrêt de bus de la gare, sur la ligne n°4, direction Auge.

  • Parking
  • Public transportation

A House is not a Home

21.09.2019 - 10.11.2019

The exhibition A House is not a Home brings together a new generation of artists who adopt classical codes of sculpture and painting in accordance with our times. The artists revisit the ‘domestic’, the ‘decorative’, identity, as many relationships of the body with built and inhabited environments. When integrating the exhibition space, these works question our unequal relation with the idea of home. Who can claim to be at home, and under which conditions?


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